Victor® Snake-A-Way® snake repelling granules effectively drive off garter snakes, rattlesnakes and other snake species from areas they are not wanted. This granular snake repellent can be applied around the perimeter of the area you want to protect, including residential yards, parks, businesses and livestock areas. Snake-A-Way® is detected by the snake jacobson organ an additional olfactory sense organ and disrupts its usage, causing the snake to slither away in search of fresh air. While wearing gloves, apply the granules to the perimeter of the area that is to be protected. Lay down bands 4 to 5 in W to repel garter snakes and 8 to 12 in W to repel rattlers. For yard application, sprinkle Snake-A-Way® throughout the area within the perimeter. When odor becomes faint, reapply. The formula contains naphthalene and sulfur as its active ingredients.
EPA registered granules repels poisonous and non-poisonous snakes
EPA registered granules repels poisonous and non-poisonous snakes
Apply around the perimeter of area you want to protect