When you see gopher holes popping up in your yard, you'll want to have one of these on hand. The Victor® Easy Set® Gopher Trap effectively kills gophers without the use of chemicals or poisons. The trap features galvanized steel construction for great strength and durability. The trap's narrow design with short base allows for easy insertion into gopher tunnels and keeps moving parts completely below the surface, safely away from children and pets Victor® Easy Set® Gopher Traps are easy-to-use and come fully assembled and with illustrated operating instructions on setting and placement.
Pincher-style gopher trap
Pincher-style gopher trap
Designed to be placed in the run or down the mound opening
Galvanized steel construction for great strength and durability
Moving parts are kept completely below the ground for safety
Can be used in all soil types
Easy Set® design
Narrow design with short base allows for easy insertion
Moving parts are completely below the ground surface, safely away from children and pets