KLEIN TOOLS makes some of the world's finest pliers. These high-leverage, side-cutting pliers features a rivet closer to the cutting edge which provides 46% more cutting and gripping power than other pliers. Induction hardened cutting knives are extra durable for longer life.
Rivet is closer to the cutting edge for 46% greater cutting and gripping power than other plier designs
Rivet is closer to the cutting edge for 46% greater cutting and gripping power than other plier designs
Hot-riveted joint ensures smooth action and no handle wobble
Induction-hardened cutting knives for long life
Streamlined design with sure-gripping, cross-hatched knurled jaws
Unique handle tempering helps absorb the snap when cutting wire
Precision-hardened plier head for on-the-job toughness
Plastic-dipped handles for comfort and ease of identification
Handform handles for full gripping and cutting power