Occupancy/vacancy sensor switches use advanced Passive Infrared (PIR) technology to sense the movement of heat-emitting bodies. Occupancy sensors provide auto-On/Off or manual-On/auto-Off operation while vacancy sensors provide Manual-On/Auto-Off operation only (CA Title 24 Compliant). The sensors automatically turn lights off after a space becomes vacant and a preset time delay elapses. Both versions provide 1-pole (single-location) and 3-way (multi-location) wiring and work with all lighting load types (INC, MLV, ELV, FLR, CFL, LED). A selectable and dimmable LED nightlight is provided. All sensors are compatible with any decorator-style or decorator screwless wallplate.
Can be wired as a single pole or 3-way device
Can be wired as a single pole or 3-way device
Selectable On/Off LED nightlight with press and hold dimming function
Green LED indicates load status, provides locator light in dark and blinks to indicate motion detection
Push pad design provides minimal travel and crisp actuation
Replaces a standard light or fan switch
Occupancy sensor provides a selectable ambient light override preventing lights from switching on, when there is acceptable natural light
Occupancy sensor version allows to toggle between auto-On/Off or manual-On/auto-Off mode with a simple press and hold of switch
Occupancy sensor provides for a bypass feature to allow the sensor to perform as a traditional switch