Replaces a standard switch. Provides smooth, full range digital dimming for incandescent, halogen, electronic low-voltage, magnetic low-voltage, dimmable LED/CFL and Fluorescent lighting. 300 W dimmable LED/CFL- 600 W Incan/dimmable ELV/halogen/dimmable FLR 600 VA MLV, 120 VAC, 60 Hz requires neutral connection in wallbox. Ability to set min/max dimmer level for maximum compatibility with different loads. Rapid start feature which allows the light to come on instantly in the case of LED/CFL loads and the ability to disable that feature. One master dimmer works with up to five (5) accessory dimmers, Orgill Sku 339-6181. Tri-color packaging which provides one unit box with three color faceplates. cULus Listed and NOM certified.
Preset feature allows user to return to previous light setting when turning lights on
Preset feature allows user to return to previous light setting when turning lights on
Master/accessory units for multi-location control
Amber LED at bottom of LED display indicates On/Off load status
Seven step green LED display indicates selected light level and reduces brightness when off
Pressing and holding push pad for 2 secs when dimmer is off brings light to full brightness without affecting preset levels
Offers a 10 secs delay off feature by pressing and holding push pad for 2 secs when dimmer is on
Aesthetically pleasing soft-On/fade-Off that extends lamp life
Neutral is required for installation of device
Programmable rapid start feature ensures lamp start-up even at low dim levels